Weather in Ischgl

morning, 13.05.2024
Temperature 9°C/48°F
Sun 50%
Frost Border 2900m
afternoon, 13.05.2024
Temperature 13°C/55°F
Sun 40%
Frost Border 3300m
Tuesday, 14.05.2024
Temperature 15°C/59°F
Sun 60%
Frost Border 3400m
Wednesday, 15.05.2024
Temperature 12°C/54°F
Sun 60%
Frost Border 3000m
Monday will start calm and dry, alternating between harmless clouds and sunny spells. The clouds will however turn darker and produce showers from the late morning and thunderstorms in the evening.
On Tuesday, on Wednesday, on Thursday and on Friday the sky will be partly clear, partly cloudy. During the second half of the day the risk of thunderstorms will be moderate.